Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

G1 Forum 4_Ethical leadership

G1 Forum 4_Ethical leadership

Q 1. Compare the way the case at LTL Trucking reflects forgiveness with the way Scripture teaches us to forgive. What are the similarities and differences? How can leaders shape the way this concept is applied in the workplace?

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We all know that life is full of surprises and so it running and owning a company or an organization. There are many challenges and a constant hustle to which goes behind the success of a company. The organizational roadblocks are the stepping stones to success. Human resource is an important part of any workplace. It is expected that in a workplace which is diversified there will be conflicts, disagreements and miscommunication which will lead to an uncomfortable work ambience. It is also natural that these events put an undue pressure on the managers and the employees as week. The work ethics and work relationship gets